The History of the East Riding Union

On 7th May 1947 a meeting was held at Hull Golf Club, attended by two representatives from Driffield, Brough, Beverley, Springhead Park, Sutton, Hornsea, Withernsea and Hessle Golf Clubs together with the Captain. Chairman and members of the Board of Hull Golf Club  unanimously decided to form an East Riding Union of Golf Clubs open to all golf clubs in the East Riding. Apologies were received from Scarborough North and South Cliff, Filey, Bridlington and Ganton but full support was promised. Mr. A. R. Alvin, secretary of the Leeds and District Union, also attended and outlined the aims of the Leeds Union. Subsequently the rules of the East Riding Union gave the principle objects of the Union as:

  • To assist in promoting golf in the district and maintain the ancient traditions of the game.
  • To organise and promote competitive golf.
  • To promote friendly relationships among the Clubs of the Union and opportunities to discuss matters of common interest.
  • To ensure adequate representation in the Yorkshire Union.
  • To encourage the development of promising players in the District and to see that all the leading players are considered for County and representative matches.
  • To promote the interests of all Clubs in the Union in every way possible, including the exchange of advice on all problems connected with the successful running of a golf club.

At the meeting it was decided that an Individual Championship of the East Riding be organised, inter-distinct matches arranged and other competitions within the Riding be provided for. The representatives were asked to contact their respective clubs for confirmation and a yearly subscription of £2, 2s, 0d was tentatively fixed. It was agreed that Beverley was a good centre and it was hoped that the Beverley Arms Hotel would agree to hold the meetings. Mr. T. R. Leak of Hull Golf Club was appointed President and Mr W. V. Sinclair also of Hull Golf Club was appointed Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

At the first AGM it was reported that the activities of the Union had been supported by the member clubs though the first Annual Dinner held in 1948 had shown a deficiency of £8, 8s, 6d.

The Union had continued to function with all its competitions being held in the summer months, April to September, leaving the winter period to the Hull & District Golfing Association, the East Riding Alliance and Scarborough & District Alliance. Nowadays it organises the following individual Championships:

  • Open
  • Amateur
  • Senior
  • Junior
  • Matchplay

The Union also organises inter district matches with the other seven Unions in Yorkshire, a Scratch League, Junior Inter district matches, Junior Coaching and Members' Meetings, as well as holding an Annual Dinner in March each year.

The East Riding Union now has 24 affiliated Clubs. The efforts of the Union are at the moment specifically aimed at the male golfers of the area including Juniors. Presently there are in the region of 10,000 such members of the constituent clubs. The Union exists to further the interests of all golfers in the area and as such are sensitive to the ever changing scene and demands of the present day whilst trying to uphold the best traditions of a game we all love and enjoy.

Each club in the Union has at least one representative who has the responsibility of, not only keeping the Executive informed and aware of current issues and feelings within the Clubs, but also responsible for keeping the Members at each Club informed about Union events.

Clubs of the Union & Dates of Affiliation

1947 (Founder Members)

Springhead Park
Scarborough North Cliff
Scarborough South Cliff
Sutton Park






Malton & Norton*


Flamborough Head


Ganstead Park



1985 – Re-admitted 2007



Hainsworth Park


Cave Castle


Bay Links (Bridlington)


Cottingham Parks
Cherry Burton**


Kilnwick Percy (KP Club)


Skidby Lakes

2002- 2013

Allerthorpe Park**


Burstwick Country Golf



*Clubs now Affiliated to the York Union of Golf Clubs
**Clubs now unaffiliated